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NRCS Offers Cost Sharing to Deal with Invasive Plants

NRCS Offers Cost Sharing to Deal with Invasive Plants

LAKEWOOD, CO - The U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service in Colorado will offer up to one million dollars through a Call for Proposals (CFP) process to fund the FY 2008 Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) Invasive Plants Program.

The program is targeted to control invasive plant species and will be offered in limited geographical areas for watershed-scale projects that will significantly reduce the abundance and impacts of newly emerging noxious weed species and improve the surrounding plant communities.

"Due to limited funding, only project areas identified by organizations, units of government, or other groups that have an existing program or organized effort to address invasive plant species will be considered for funding," said Tim Carney, Assistant State Conservationist for Programs, Lakewood, CO.

Since EQIP funding can only be utilized on private working lands through contracts with individual landowners, this funding will not be offered as a grant. Once the project area is selected, individual landowners or groups of landowners can apply for funding within the approved project areas.
Responses to the CFP will be accepted from organizations, units of government, or other groups with an ongoing weed management or invasive plant species initiative or program. To be considered for funding, CFP's must be complete and accurate, and received at the NRCS State Office by Friday, November 2nd.