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April 22nd Commissioners Meeting

April 22nd Commissioners Meeting

Renewal of a conditional use permit for a clay mine south of Rockvale highlighted a brief agenda Tuesday for the Fremont County Commissioners.

The Commissioners conducted a public hearing on Summit Brick and Tile Company's application to renew their permit for the Cherokee Clay Mine along County Road 84 south of Rockvale. Summit has operated the clay mine since 1977. Instead of another ten year permit, this Summit requested a 'life of the mine' permit. One neighbor expressed concern as to whether the mountain across from her will be mined but was told it will not.

The Commissioners unanimously approved a 35 year permit for what the company considers will be the life of the mine. Of the 35.2 acre permit area they will mine 9.9 acres of clay used in firing bricks. Summit will limit mining and hauling to six weeks per year from 8 to 5 Monday through Saturday. They agreed to a condition to provide 100 tons of gravel annually to help the Road and Bridge Department maintain County Road 84 due to impacts from their truck traffic. They will also make necessary grading and gravel surface improvements to their access so as to prevent muddy, clay material from dropping/washing onto the county road.

The Commissioners Tuesday also:
  • Appointed Randy White and Jay Seavy to two year terms on the Fremont County Airport and Industrial Park Advisory Board. White and Seavy replace John Ary and Dave Nash on the board;
  • Approved a temporary use permit for the annual Blossom Festival carnival to operate along Elm Avenue just west of Canon City's Public Works Building;
  • and re-scheduled the regular June 10th Board of Commissioners meeting to Monday, June 9th, to allow the board to attend the summer conference of Colorado Counties, Inc.