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Countywide Stage One Fire Ban In Effect

Countywide Stage One Fire Ban In Effect

Fremont County Sheriff Jim Beicker has imposed Stage One Fire Restrictions across all unincorporated areas of Fremont County. The Sheriff was preparing to put the restrictions in place when the county's first wildland fire of the season broke out Monday afternoon (May 12th) in the Copper Gulch area within the Deer Mountain Fire District. The fire was believed to have been ignited from a controlled burn that got out of hand and was spread by strong southwest winds onto BLM public lands. It quickly covered 200 acres by nightfall.

Sheriff Beicker said he had decided that conditions had warranted a fire ban and sought authorization from the county commissioners. Stage One fire restrictions were then imposed by the Sheriff which primarily prohibit all open burning. The specifics of a Stage One fire ban include:
1. Open fires only at developed recreation sites or improved sites;
2. Charcoal, propane or other contained fuel grill use;
3. Open fires in metal fire rings in campgrounds and parks;
4. Smoking only within an enclosed vehicle or building, at a developed recreation site, within a
designated smoking area with an approved container for discarding of butts, or while stopped
in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials;
5. Use of an approved spark arrestor for use of any internal combustion engine, only if equipped with
an approved spark arrestor;
6. Outdoor welding and grinding with proper distance from combustible materials, as long as there is
proper and appropriate fire protection and suppression equipment in place.

1. All open fires, open burning and smoking if not specifically allowed above;
2. All agricultural burning including but not limited to weeds, brush, grass;
3. Use and/or discharge of fireworks or pyrotechnic devices,
4. Use of any explosives;
5. Open fires using rock ring burn pits;
6. Recreational below ground cooking;
7. Outdoor smoking except as specifically allowed above, including discard of cigarette butts at any
location or from any vehicle.

If conditions worsen the Sheriff would have the authority to impose an even stricter ban under Stage Two or Stage Three fire restrictions.