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April 28th Commissioners Meeting

April 28th Commissioners Meeting

Award of a bid for bleachers at the Pathfinder Park outdoor arena and a lease-purchase agreement for a used fuel truck at the Fremont County Airport highlighted a brief agenda of business for the Fremont County Board of Commissioners Tuesday.

The county received two bids for purchase of bleachers at Pathfinder Park. Southern Bleachers of Graham, Texas, bid $44,600 while Bleachers International of Kiowa, Colorado, submitted a bid of $58,058. The Commissioners awarded the bid to Southern Bleachers and noted that the county will save about $14,000 in shipping and bleacher assembly because of the donations by a local firm. Lee Daffron of Fremont Enterprises of Florence offered to travel to Texas and pick up the bleachers and to erect them on site at Pathfinder Park.

The new bleachers are one of three main components being financed as part of a $200,000 grant from Great Outdoors Colorado. The grant will also fund restrooms and arena lighting. Total project cost with donations and matching local lottery dollars will be nearly $320,000.

The Commissioners approved a lease-purchase agreement for acquisition of another fuel truck at the Fremont County Airport. Airport Manager Richard Baker said having another fuel truck will expand the airport's overall fuel storage capacity particularly when fuel demand escalates during the summer wildland firefighting season. The county will lease-purchase a 1996 Ford 3,000 gallon capacity fuel tank truck to handle jet fuel. Baker said he has calculated a five year pay-off period using the most conservative fuel sales estimates. A surcharge on fuel sales will pay for the truck and will not involve any tax dollars.

The Commissioners voted to waive the hard surface paving requirements for the Coyote Coffee Den in Penrose after having previously granted a pair of two-year extensions for the paving requirement. In permanently waiving the paving requirement the Commissioners agreed to accept an alternative plan by shop owner Pete Megasis who said he wants to employ a more economical plan utilizing a surface comprised of milled and recycled used asphalt. The Commissioners allowed Mugasis until July 31st to apply the alternative parking lot surface.

The Commissioners Tuesday also:
  • Approved a temporary use permit for a hardrock enduro off-road motorcycle race on May 31st on the Joe Stock Ranch along Red Canyon Road north of Canon City;
  • Approved a temporary use permit for the tenth annual Belvedere Blues Fest at Merlino's Belvedere in Lincoln Park on September 11th, 12th, and 13th;
  • Approved the re-licensing of ambulance operations for the Penrose Volunteer Fire Department, the Florence Volunteer Fire Department, Arkansas Valley Ambulance in Western Fremont County, Northwest EMS, and American Medical Response (AMR).