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July 28th Commissioners Meeting

July 28th Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners spent only a few minutes dealing with a brief agenda of business for their July 28th regular meeting.

In her semi-annual report to the Board, Fremont County Treasurer Pat McFarland said several county funds reflect the current budget dilemma facing the county. McFarland particularly noted that the Fremont County Sheriff's budget shows a June 30th deficit of $639,000. The Commissioners noted that the $2.7 million spent so far this year by the Sheriff's Department versus the $2.27 million in funds available is a basic two part problem. The board noted that expenses keep going up while revenues continue to decline.

A large chunk of the $639,000 deficit is a holdover from the 2008 Sheriff's budget. The Sheriff’s Department spending exceeded revenues last year by $281,000 and at some point the Commissioners will have to make the necessary adjustments to cover that deficit. The problem is that there is no ready solution. As sales tax revenues have continued to fall in the first half of 2009 a quick fix remains out of reach. In addition the Commissioners note that the Sheriff was unable to lease a number of empty beds at the jail last year to produce the necessary revenue to cover last year's deficit.

The Commissioners say they will soon have to make more critical decisions in cutting expenses in the county's budget for 2009 to cover the deficits and revenue shortfalls the county is experiencing.

Commissioner Ed Norden announced that at the August 11th regular meeting the Commissioners will consider a pair of resolutions to adjust speed limits on County Road 11, the High Park Road to Cripple Creek. Norden said the proposed speed limit changes are the result of motorists' complaints over speed limits in recent years and a speed analysis conducted on the road again several months ago. Norden said ranchers' concerns about motorists who drive at excessive speeds through a cattle crossing zone were being addressed by installation of some rumble strips to get drivers' attention and to slow them down.

Norden said the August 11th resolutions would propose a 35 mile per hour speed limit from Highway 9 to County Road 5 and then a 45 mile per hour speed limit from that point northeast to the Teller County line.

The Commissioners also formally authorized the Chairman to sign a contract under which Fremont County will administer a $1.3 million Community Development Block Grant for the North Canon Sanitary Sewer Project. The Board last year approved the creation of the North Canon Sewer Improvement District. Fremont County will technically administer the funds for the project until construction is completed and the 176 homes in that area formally are annexed into Fremont Sanitation District boundaries.