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October 27th Commissioners Meeting

October 27th Commissioners Meeting

Citizens, county officials, and county employees got their first glimpse of what 2010 holds for Fremont County as the Board of Commissioners presented the draft of the county's 2010 budget at Tuesday's regular board meeting. County Manager George Sugars said the budget document follows several weeks of budget reviews by the Board after other elected officials and department heads submitted their budget requests. Sugars said the county is presenting a balanced budget for next year calling it a very conservative budget while trying to minimize the impact to county employees.

Sugars said the Commissioners are still looking at some options in 2010 to other budget cutting measures including possible savings in the number of paid holidays for employees and by looking at the rate of employee retirement contributions by the county.

District 2 Commissioner Larry Lasha announced that because of the sacrifice county employees have already made towards budget cuts this year, the Commissioners have decided to rescind a planned furlough day on December 10th. Lasha said "It's not a lot but as we approach the holidays, it's a move in the right direction that allows employees to do some planning".

Commission Chairman Mike Stiehl said the 2010 budget again reflects a commitment the Commissioners made when voters approved the Tabor timeout two years ago. Stiehl said that once again the 2010 Road and Bridge budget shows $250,000 from the Tabor timeout property tax proceeds to be earmarked for road improvement projects next year.

District 3 Commissioner Ed Norden said given the economic climate in the current recession it is particularly difficult to estimate sales tax and highway user tax revenues for next year. Norden also said that after meeting with Sheriff Jim Beicker last week the Commissioners tried to put together a budget that does not cut too deeply. He said the board tried to restore some funding on line items in the Sheriff's budget to address the common sense issues of public safety. He said it gets to the point where you can't do away with too many things before you jeopardize the safety of staff and citizens.

The Commissioners have scheduled two public hearings on the 2010 budget at the November 10th and 24th board meetings.

The Commissioners Tuesday also voted to approve a third one-year extension for the submission of a final plat for the Mesas on the Ridge subdivision northeast of Dozier and Van Loo Road in north Canon. Developer Allan Miller said given the economy right now it doesn't make sense trying to start a new subdivision. The Commissioners asked for updates on the traffic, drainage, and sewer plans from Miller.

In staff reports to the Commissioners, Veterans Service Officer Betty Hanawalt said the mobile Vets Service Van will be in Canon City every other Thursday from 9 until 3 starting November 5th across the street from the Fremont County Sheriff's Department.

Weed Department Director J.R. Phillips reported his department's budget will close out 2009 in good shape. He said his office developed weed control plans for 47 private properties, has worked with C-DOT to control weeds in highway rights of way, and also assisted with weed control efforts in Chaffee and Pueblo Counties. Phillips also said his assistant, Jana Gregg, would be leaving her post this week and plans to return next April for the 2010 noxious weed season.

In other business the Commissioners:
  • Approved amendments to the Fremont County Flood Damage Prevention Regulations;
  • Received a report from County Treasurer Pat McFarland that her office processed 96 property foreclosures in the third quarter;
  • Heard from County Clerk Norma Hatfield that her office's motor vehicle department will now accept credit cards for payment of motor vehicle registration fees.