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Volunteers Erect Pathfinder Arena Bleachers

Volunteers Erect Pathfinder Arena Bleachers

Volunteers gathered at Fremont County's Pathfinder Arena on Saturday, October 31st, for a work day to erect new bleachers. Volunteers from the Pathfinder Park Steering Committee and 4-H families worked for six hours to erect the framework of the new bleachers which will seat close to 700 people.
Excavation work and the concrete foundation were completed earlier this summer. In addition to the volunteer hours erecting the bleacher framework, other families sent food and drink to the park for the work crew. New bleachers, restrooms, and arena lighting are being funded through a $200,000 Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) grant along with matching funds from Fremont County Conservation Trust Funds (Colorado Lottery proceeds).
Another work day is planned in the near future to complete work on the bleachers.
Lee Daffron has been a key contributor to the project as he traveled to Texas to truck the bleacher framework back to Fremont County.