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January 12th Commissioners Meeting

January 12th Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners' first meeting of 2010 was highlighted by annual reorganizational business and the awarding of a contract for engineering design services for a water line from Florence to Pathfinder Regional Park.

The reorganizational business saw the board electing District 3 Commissioner Ed Norden as the Chairman for 2010 with District 2 Commissioner Larry Lasha filling the post of Chairman Pro-Tem. The Commissioners also voted to reappoint County Attorney Brenda Jackson for 2010 and to reappoint Veterans Service Officer Betty Hanawalt to serve in that position for another two years.

The Commissioners decided to keep their regular meeting dates for the board on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 9:30 a.m. Other routine annual business included designating posting places for meeting notices, official newspapers, and official bank depositories.

The Commissioners voted to approve a contract with The Engineering Company (TEC) of Fort Collins for engineering design of a water line from Florence to the county's property at Pathfinder Park west of Florence. The contract approval includes the negotiated contract price under three defined tasks of $25,195. Commission Chairman Ed Norden said the board was pleased with the contract price given the fact that the original estimate for the work was $43,000. Norden said that was the basis of a Colorado Energy Impact grant application in which the county was awarded $21,500 representing up to fifty percent of the cost. The lower contract price of $25,195 means the state grant will pay half and the county will pay the other half. The $12,598 county share will come from the Conservation Trust Fund (lottery dollars) which has a restricted use for such park projects.

Also at the January 12th meeting the Commissioners:
  • Appointed Canon City Councilman Daryl Robinson to the Fremont County Planning Commission as the city's representative following his selection by new Canon City Mayor Tony Greer. Robinson replaces former Mayor Bill Jackson who served 13 years on the Planning Commission;
  • Reappointed Peggy Sorenson and Sherry Johns to full three year terms on the Fremont County Heritage Commission;
  • Approved the annual participation agreement in the Upper Arkansas Area Council of Governments' Regional Recycling Program at a fee of $24,898. The money comes from the surcharges collected on waste dumped at the local transfer stations and the landfill;
  • Approved a liquor license renewal for Shadow Hills Golf Club;
  • Set public hearing dates on February 9th for a pair of AllTel wireless communication towers in the Deer Mountain and Texas Creek areas and for the proposed First Amendment to the Fremont County Zoning Resolution.