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February 23rd Commissioners Meeting

February 23rd Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners disposed of a brief agenda of business within 20 minutes at their regular meeting on February 23rd.

The Commissioners voted to approve a resolution amending the conditional use permit for the Front Range Aggregate quarry along the Arkansas River just west of Parkdale. Commission Chairman Ed Norden said the amendment focuses specifically on restricted uses and repairs to what is commonly known as the Harvey Bridge, the only motor vehicle access into the quarry area.

Norden noted that last summer the engineering firm handling State of Colorado bridge inspections downgraded the bridge due to new standards established following the Minnesota bridge collapse. The downgrading resulted in load limits being posted on the bridge for the first time which would seriously hinder the ability of Front Range to economically truck materials from the quarry over the bridge.

Norden said that after several meetings last summer and fall a solution was reached whereby speed bumps would be installed on both north and south bridge approaches assuring trucks with heavier loads would travel no more than the posted 5 mile per hour speed limit. The amendment relies on engineering designs provided by an engineer hired by Front Range. Front Range will also be required to make certain bridge improvements and modifications over the next three years. Under the amendment permitting the heavier truck loads, Front Range will also indemnify Fremont County due to any bridge failure caused by their truck traffic.

The Commissioners commended the work of all county staff members who worked to bring about a resolution to the problem.

The Commissioners also announced that at the Board's March 9th regular meeting they will consider some temporary regulations dealing with medical marijuana. The Commissioners said the temporary regulations will provide some guidance relating in which zone districts marijuana dispensaries will be permitted. In the meantime the Commissioners anticipate the Colorado General Assembly will adopt some statewide regulations to give the county some guidance before the Commissioners consider some permanent regulations.

Chairman Ed Norden said the temporary regulations dealing with medical marijuana dispensaries do not require a public hearing, but the Commission's intent is to allow citizens to be heard at the public meeting if they have something to say.

The Commissioners last Tuesday also:
  • Approved a proclamation declaring the observance of Girl Scout Week from March 7th through the 13th;
  • Approved a resolution adopting minor language changes to the Fremont County personnel manual;
  • Announced that Holcim Inc. is making preparations to pave County Road 6 at Coaldale which is required as part of the Commissioners previous approval for Holcim to reopen a gypsum mine at Coaldale.