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F-4 Jet Renovated at Airport Memorial Park

F-4 Jet Renovated at Airport Memorial Park

12th Tactical Fighter Wing F-4 Phantom

The F-4 Phantom jet on display at the Leo Sidney Bost on War Memorial Park at the Fremont County Airport was recently renovated just in time for the reunion of the 12th Tactical Fighter Wing on August 29th.   E.J. Sherwood of Mesa, Arizona, a member of the 12th Tactical Wing, noticed two years ago that the F-4 jet needed some paint and restoration work.

Sherwood contacted the Colorado Air National Guard which undertook the restoration work along with volunteers from Buckley Air Force Base.   The volunteer effort was coordinated by TSgt Joseph Collins and SSgt Jerrod McClure of the Air National Guard 140 OSS/OSR.   Diamond Vogel provided 16 gallons of paint at a discount price while Fremont County provided a man lift and power washer for the project. 

The newly refreshed F-4 Phantom was rededicated August 29th on the 10th annual reunion of the 12th Tactical Fighter Wing at the War Memorial Park.