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2010 Fremont Lodging Tax Revenues Dip Slightly

2010 Fremont Lodging Tax Revenues Dip Slightly

Fremont County Tourism Council Coordinator Doug Shane shared the council’s 2010 annual report with the Fremont County Board of Commissioners at their February 8th meeting.   Shane reported that with the downturn in the economy Fremont County’s lodging tax saw a decline of only $2,343 from 2009.   Shane said the county collected $138,671 in lodging tax revenues last year.

Shane said the Cañon City Chamber of Commerce contract with FCTC was again handled professionally.   He said the 2010 tourism welcome center numbers were off due to the closing of Cañon City’s east and west tourist cabins.   Actual face to face totals for tourism went from 16,000 to 5,000.   However, Shane said service in such areas as phone calls, e-mails and general information walk-in’s at the Chamber office increased from 12,000 to 19,000.    He said they believe that the shift in visitors under the “tourism” banner dropped in 2010, but that number will return to normal in 2011 with the installation of a new 4 x 8’ electronic reader-board sign in front of the Chamber.

Shane also reported that in 2010 the Tourism Council hired a web and creative company from Buena Vista to rework the web site as well as begin to create several state of the art services for our visitors. The web site has a total new look.    They abandoned some out of date terms and focused on a more direct way to service the internet audience.    Shane said they are currently doing social networking with visitors in the way of an E-mail newsletter, as well as direct replies using Twitter and Facebook.

He said the creation of a new mobile application will be available by May 1st.   This new application will function on both the I-phone as well as on the Android format.     This application will not only have the tourism web site as a mobile screen but will also inform visitors about various activities happening in Fremont County.

The Tourism Council has been using Colorado Activities Center for a second year in printing the Visitors Guide.     The council recently took delivery of this year’s guide some 30 days earlier than in the past and he said they feel this year’s guide is the best ever.     In an effort to come up with a cover design the council decided to put out a contest challenge.   Shane said local artist Pat Wiles created such an outstanding piece that the council voted unanimously to use her art piece as this year’s cover.

From a budgetary standpoint, Shane said the Tourism Council was able to carry over $32,112.14 into the 2011 tourism budget.