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County Employees Recognized for Length of Service

County Employees Recognized for Length of Service

Department of Transportation Director Tony Adamic handed out length of service awards last week to a group of D.O.T. employees. (left to right:) Dave Steffenson, Tony Adamic, Ron Blanchard, Grant Chess, Jimmy Zeleznikar, Heath Mills, & Zeke Van Dyke.

Long time Fremont County employees are being recognized for their length of service to the county under an employee recognition program developed in recent months by the Fremont County Board of Commissioners along with the other elected officials including Treasurer Pat McFarland, Clerk Katie Barr, Sheriff Jim Beicker, Assessor Stacey Seifert, and Coroner Dr. Dorothy Twellman.    The elected officials realized that it had been some three years since employees had routinely been recognized for their length of service with the county.

Under the program all employees who have worked with Fremont County for at least five years are being recognized.    The recognition includes a specially designed certificate featuring the employee’s name and length of service set against a photo background of a Fremont County landscape.   The elected officials also set up a program of different gift rewards earned with each additional five years of service.

The Board of Commissioners visited some of the offices to personally present the awards to employees who had reached a plateau of 25 years or more of service.    Elected officials and department heads presented the certificates and rewards to other employees within their own offices.   The elected officials note that there are many employees who have made careers of dedicated service to Fremont County and their ongoing efforts need to be recognized.