Local government officials from Canon City, Brookside, and Fremont County along with officials from local irrigation ditch boards listen to a FEMA public flood assistance presentation on October 31st
County and municipal officials in eastern Fremont County heard details on Thursday, October 31st, of how to apply through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for funds to offset costs of dealing with the aftermath of the mid-September flooding. A number of FEMA officials were on hand to offer assistance to local government.
FEMA representatives detailed how local officials can apply for funding to pay for emergency repairs as well as permanent fixes. In most cases local government could qualify for a 75 percent federal cost share for floodwater repairs. Along with some possible reimbursement through the State of Colorado it appears the maximum reimbursement of any floodwater repairs for public facilities would be 87 ½ percent.
FEMA representatives outlined the specific guidelines that must be followed to qualify including detailed project charges and detailed accounting of all expenses which will be reviewed by FEMA officials upon their final inspection. Local government officials are expected to meet individually with a FEMA representative to go over floodwater repairs, how to complete applications, and what type of repairs will qualify. November 20th is the deadline for applications to be made for flood repair reimbursement.
Other FEMA officials have been meeting with local citizens who sustained damage to private property in the September flooding. FEMA has reported that nearly 50 local residents have applied for FEMA federal disaster assistance.